
Accessibility Declaration

The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with the ‘a title extern»External link to the portal. It opens in a new plague.» href de» deen&tl deen&hl dees&client dewebapp&u de″ target de»blank» rel de»noopener» portal external Decree {87, of 7 September. It opens in a new pesta’a., on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector (hereinafter, Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September). The European directive is based on the EN 301 549 standard “Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services” and this, in turn, is an adaptation of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). This accessibility statement applies to the following websites:
  • .a title.»External link to the portal. It opens in a new plague.» href.»» target.».blank» rel.»noopener».https://www.inclusion.gob.esLink external to the portal. Opens in a new plague.

Compliance situation

This website ispartially compliant withwith Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, due to the lack of conformity of the aspects indicated below.

Unaccessible Content

The content that is recognized below is not accessible by:
  1. Missing in conformity with RD 1112/2018 of 7 September Some of the pages could have the following criteria not complied with with with the EN 301 549 standard “Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services” and this, once, is an adaptation of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 2.1) (criteria specified between kinesis)
    • HTML is used for content format [Require number ( Information and its EN 301549 relations]
    • Low contrast between text and background [requisite number ( Minimum contrast EN 301549].
    • Enlace vacío [requisito number ( Liaison purpose (in its context) of EN 301549].
  2. disproportionate load
    • Does not apply
  3. Content does not fall within the scope of applicable legislation
    • Office format files published before the entry into force of this Royal Decree, September 20, 2018, as long as it is not necessary for active administrative procedures, such as a help manual or form to start a procedure.
    • Pre-recorded temporary multimedia content published before the entry into force of this Royal Decree.
    • Online mapping and mapping services, as long as essential information is provided in a digitally accessible way in the case of maps intended for fine navigation.
    • Third-party content that is not under the control of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

Preparation of the presentation accessibility declaration

This statement was prepared on 14/06/2022. The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the body itself. Last revision of the statement: 14/06/2022.

Observations and Contact Data

You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September) such as:
  • Report on any possible breach by this website
  • Transmit other access difficulties to content
  • Formulate any other queries or suggestions for improvement regarding the accessibility of the website.
Through the following ways: The communications will be received and processed by theUnit of Quality, Security, Audit and Innovation of the Sub-Directorate General of Information Technology and Communications of the Sub-Secretariat of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

Application Procedure

The complaint procedure recognized in Article 13 of RD 1112/2018 can be initiated through the following link: ‘a title'»External link to the portal. It opens in a new plague.» href d» den&tl den&hl des&client dwebapp&u d″externalcc targetla targetla Opens in a new plague.

Optional Content

It is established as an objective to achieve compliance with all the requirements of level A and AA of WCAG 2.1 together with certain AAA level requirements considered relevant to the improvement of the experience of use of the portal by the citizen.